Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Pat's

Forget red, green is what I crave right now. It's beginning to peek through the snow (which should be completely obliterated by warmth and rain by the end of the day!) and we have a predicted high of 64 today, which in Kathyworld means almost 70. I'm tempted to call into work with Spring fever but I'm just too darn responsible, so I'll open the window when I get there and count every ticking second til I can walk out the door. Although, really, Spring fever is a recognized malady isn't it?
I've  been hard at work on the kitchen, homework, weeding out the house in an attempt to simplify and spending time with the girls, since Victoria is home on Spring break:>)  It hasn't left much time for blogging but I won't apologise. Sometimes real life takes a front seat and there are only so many hours in the day. Did you find that setting the clocks ahead gave you an extra hour? Isn't it supposed to?


  1. Morning Kathy,
    Looking forward to seeing your kitchen! I know it will be gorgeous (with splashes of red?)

    My daffs are poking through the ground and my crocus are blooming. The lilacs and forsythias are pregnant with buds just waiting to burst.

    Even my birds are singing again, they keep pretty quiet in the winter.

    Have a great day and enjoy your daughters visit!
    janet xox

  2. I thought for a moment that you were going to count the pollen today!
    Wonder who has that job? And do they carry kleenex?
    I want to be as responsible as you...
    Have fun with your girl :)

  3. Real life must always take the front seat...and I personally believe that spring fever is a very serious malady and must be dealt with immediately!!! ;)

  4. As always, you have a lot on your plate! But I think we are getting an extra hour of sunlight so you have that to look forward to.

    We are reaching 60 today also. I love it!


  5. Oh, Spring Fever is a wonderful malady to have. I have it too and I am accomplishing so much. It gives one extra energy and lots of ideas. ~ God and family always take a front seat so no apologies needed. I think you have your priorities straight! Love...

  6. Loving the look of your spring blog Kathy! It is so pretty outside today, I need to get out there and enjoy it.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Gotta have real life or there would be nothing to blog about! Love your pretty new banner and all the purty pics! You're one busy gal!

  8. I'm happy things are looking green up your way Kathy! Hang in there!! Enjoy your girls, work if you must, leave the blog alone, have fun in the extra sun! Spring Fever only rolls around once a year...revel in it!!

    Happy St. Pat's and happy weekend too!!
    Hugs & Blessings,

  9. Springing ahead has completely confused me. My mind, my body, it's all mixed up. Things are peeking out of the ground here too. Won't be long til I'm complaining about the heat! Mimi

  10. I'm glad to hear you are getting some warmer temps. I hope they hang around. Spring is helping me get more work done around the house. Yesterday I was down on knees scrubbing bath grout. I find I have an extra hour in the evening, but I'm short one hour in the morning ;-)

  11. No need to apologise about blogging! My blogging time has sadly fallen to the wayside due to other projects. It's so true about only having so many hours in the day - I feel like I lost that hour last weekend and am already looking forward to getting it back in the Fall! ::Jill

  12. Hi Kathy,
    Spring break, how nice that the girls are home. My daughter Sarah just got back from Florida. Well, I know what you mean about real life taking front row seat. But it's nice to know that Spring will be here for real soon and then we'll be gardening and enjoying sunny days. We are expecting more snow tomorrow.

    Well, enjoy your girls.



Thank you for taking the time to say hello :)