Sunday, November 30, 2008

First Sunday of Advent~Hope

The first Sunday of Advent represents Prophecy, or Hope, to remember the hope we have in Jesus.
Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations. He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his law the islands will put their hope. Isaiah 42: 1-4
Photo courtesy of

Saturday, November 29, 2008

A busy day with the family. A birthday party for a precious one year old cousin, a special dinner with the kids and a movie while we snuggled by candle light on the sofa. Tomorrow youngest daughter goes back to school for 2 weeks. It has been great to have her home:>) I'll just leave you with a pretty dining room all decked out for the most wonderful season of all. Have a good night. Photo courtesy of

Friday, November 28, 2008

Seems appropriate for today...

I don't know if you have seen this, but it is a great reminder of what the season is really about:>) I love the message and the music!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The centerpiece...

I save my holiday magazines. You do too right? Always something to be gleaned from a holiday decorating mag. When they get really outdated I throw them out. So I pick up last years Midwest living while I am "freshening up" my natural red hair color this morning and I see this pretty centerpiece.
Well I have all that great stuff! I knew Earl had some small antlers stashed somewhere, we have plenty of those fluffy pine boughs and I have a pretty silver bowl! So, tonight I run outside (in the dark), snip some pine and some Rue that is still green in the garden and put it all in my bowl. I try to give it that casual but elegant look in the photo above. I stick in Earls antlers and some clementines, (I'm out of pears drat it all!) and step back. I'm not feeling the love. too much pine? Too much Rue? Not enough pears or pinecones? I can run outside in the daylight tomorrow and try to do better. Or...I can say what the heck, I usually have to move the centerpiece off the table because we have so much food anyway. I think candlelight will be fine:>) Happy Thanksgiving, and don't sweat the small stuff ok?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Portable Studio

I found this pretty box at a garage sale for $1. Filled with goodies to embellish and use on my creations, it has lots of good storage and it came already prettied up. I just moved all my fabrics and sewing, (well, ok, not all of it. Some of it is still stored elsewhere) from Victorias room to ours so we can go get her today and bring her home. Her room must look like her room when she is here.
Some day....*sigh* I will have a whole (large) room for my painting, sewing, creating. No more mess everywhere. Right now though, I would rather have my girl in her room than my sewing:>)
To see more portable studios...go here. Phyllis thought this up and it will be fun to see everyones pretty creative materials don't you think?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Busy, busy...

Well, so much for that posting every day thing. I missed two days. Sorry. But I have a really good excuse. I'm up to my knees in special orders to finish (thanks:>) and Thanksgiving is here so I have cleaning and fluffing and the sweet Victoria to get from school tomorrow (can't wait!) and so many things to do to get ready for the holiday.
I won a giveaway for this sweet pincushion from Sherry at Esprit d'Art, you can never have too many pincushions when you sew! Thanks Sherry!
As for the every day posting, only six more days and I will post something each day. I have really enjoyed it, to tell the truth. It's kind of a creative challenge. Tomorrow is Phyllis's portable studio craft challenge. Until then I have some packaging and shipping to do, some shopping, cleaning, and sewing, and that's all tonight! Whew! Our first soft snow of the season is falling and I need to put some Christmas music on and get busy. I'll see you all tomorrow:>)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Welcome to the Christmas Fair!

Gladys Pearl would like to welcome you to the Christmas fair.

She and her friends just flew in for the party and they're looking for new homes to bless this Christmas season. Gladys is a teeny bit nearsighted and almost didn't make it, but her friends helped her find her way.
That's what friends are for right? A little encouragement and gentle advice when we need it.
And love. Everyone needs a little love:>)
Stop by Karen's place for more links to Christmas fairs all over blogland! And find this heavenly group here:>)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Remembering the reason...

Melissa at The Inspired Room wanted us to link to a posting of how we keep Christ in Christmas. When my girls were little it was really important to me to start them off with a Christmas tradition that was special and focused on the birth of Christ. It couldn't be about gifts and it had to center on family time together when we could all slow down and talk and just enjoy the season.
The thing I came up with was our Advent teas. Each Sunday night of Advent, we sit down to a meal very much like a high tea. Little finger foods, special fruits and cheeses and desserts. Hot cocoa or tea. We try to make these things super easy to make because we don't need one more complicated thing to do for Christmas! It has been the most wonderful family time and we spend the time talking about the real reason we celebrate. We have advent readings and prayer, and we just chat about our week too. As the girls got older we each chose a week to plan the celebration so it didn't all fall on one person, and just because it is fun. This has become one of our familys favorite parts of Christmas. We play soft instrumental Christmas music, turn down the lights, light candles and have a relaxing and easy meal. Often we buy some of the fun appetizers from Costco and just warm them up. We make an advent wreath and light each candle in turn. It is beautiful and at the end of each tea we all feel relaxed and ready for another week of all the wild running around that Christmas brings. It's all very easy to do and very relaxed, it would be a wonderful time to have someone over or just be together as a family. I would love to hear what kind of special family celebrations you and your children love too! If you have one to share, run over to The Inspired Room and add your link tomorrow. It's almost time to celebrate, lets share some joy:>)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Button week

Abbie over at Button Floozies has declared this week International Button Week. Button floozies is a blog for all of us who are hopelessly in love with buttons. I have jars of them in every color and shape imaginable.
That is one of the things that is so fun about buttons, just when you think you've seen them all, you find out you haven't scratched the surface. Along with my jars of buttons sorted by color, I have a jar for my special buttons. Those special little works of art that I especially love. Rhinestones, flowers, crowns, bow ties and carved horn. Wood and lucite and enamel and...well, you get the idea. they are all just too much fun to collect. I find them at yard sales, tossed in an old box that is selling for a quarter, I have a lot that I inherited from Grandmother, many still on cards that sold for five or ten cents. If you click on the picture you can see a few of the unusual buttons I have in my special jar. I always have room for more. If you want to see some real button love head over to Button Floozies. There are more of us every day:>)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mail is one of my favorite things...

Especialla when I get great goodies like this give-away I won from Ronda at Art by Ronda Juniper Ray! Included in the package were a beautiful bowl, some lovely old postcards, a packet of lavender, a gorgeous applique tea towel and a set of beautiful old vintage pillowcases trimmed with lace. I am always on the lookout for more vintage pillowcases. I know some of you don't like lace on your pillowcases, but I love it!
Earl isn't crazy about lace on his pillowcases, even when I give him the one with manly blue lace on it, go figure! Anyways, I was so thrilled to get this yesterday because I love everything in it. Thanks Ronda:>)! You should hop over and visit Ronda if you haven't already, she paints the most amazing roses and cherubs on windows...literally amazing. Tell her I said hi while you are there:>)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Yikes! It's 11:14 and it has been such a busy day I almost forgot to post! But here I am getting one in just in the nick of time:>) Thanks for all the apron love. I have a few more in the works. I got a cool package in the mail today but it's late and I'm tired. No pictures til tomorrow. But I'll leave you with this glorious dining room from Have a good night:>)

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Penny was wondering if we really use our aprons. Well goodness yes! I cook from scratch and I am notoriously messy. Practically a walking disaster when you get me near chopped veggies, sauces and flour. I need my aprons and I have a cute collection that I have picked up from various sources and some I have sewn myself. I keep them on hooks near the pantry in the kitchen. Do you recognise some of dear Penny's handiwork here? I love my mosaic heart peg and it looks wonderful with all the red and black in my kitchen:>) It was a special gift from sweet BJ and I think of you both every time I use it or see it!

That rosey black apron? In my etsy shop today. Earl says it looks like a party dress. I love this fabric and I really loved making it. If only there were enough hours in the day. I plan on making more at some point, but angels and birds are keeping me pretty busy this week. I have some new apron designs in mind when I get back to them. Do you wear aprons too?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Church dinner

This is the one picture of the church dinner that I took. Guess when you are trying to serve upwards of 100 people dinner in a timely manner it doesn't leave much time for picture taking. The centerpieces were done with fall foliage from Michaels (70% off!) and some tower vases the church already had. Everyone seemed to enjoy their meal (note to self, never make lasagna in a stainless steel pan again, it imparts an unpleasant metallic taste! Am I the last to know that?)
Fortunately most people had the chicken or pork. It was exhausting but I think it was successful. Our church owns 38+ acres that we want to build on. It is wooded and beautiful and the decorations were meant to carry that theme. This dinner was a pledge drive of sorts. All I can say at this point is I am glad it's over. I was way too tired to eat by the time we were done.Look what I got today:>) It's awesome. I need to sit down and take my time reading it tonight. Go get one here!

Friday, November 14, 2008

This is my post today. It is 10 p.m. and I just got back from the church dinner. Spent the whole day getting ready and then tore everything down at the end. Too tired to do anything but go to bed. Details tomorrow....zzzzzzzzz.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I know, I know, you are saying it is too early for Christmas. Nope, I don't believe it is. I certainly haven't unloaded the Christmas boxes yet, but I am looking forward to Christmas this year and the decorations will play a huge part in it. With economics what they are, a lot of our Christmas spirit will depend on decorating and baking. Not a lot of $$ for piles of gifts, though we won't go without a few special things. Christmas isn't all about the presents anyways, right!? So what is your style of decorating for Christmas? Are you doing anything different this year? New colors? New decorations?
I found a few pictures on that I love. I am already thinking about different ways to spice up the decorations. I don't like the same thing all the time. If you know me, you know I love red, like the room above!
But I also like the clean, bright look of white and green. I am thinking white and green in the dining room....

Anyone for pink? This is sweet and fun. So tell me, are you going for a new look this year, or sticking with a tried and true favorite?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Angels watching over me

Many thanks for all your well wishes and prayers. I am feeling a bit better, naps seem to be the best medicine so far. I wanted to show you another angel. This one bears a resemblance to a certain little blogger I know. recognized the long red hair? She is dressed in a sheer white dress covered in silver snowflakes and carries a vintage snowflake earring and handmade charm. The bottom of her dress has delicate vintage lace.
She just flew into my etsy shop and rumor is that she will soon be followed by some of her friends:>) Click on the picture to make it expand. Earl is working on cheesecakes for the big dinner, my the house smells good! and I plan to do a little fluffing and cleaning and then have a bit more healing rest tonight. Grab a cup of tea and join me, the holidays with all the hustle and bustle will be here before we know it. Better relax while you can:>)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Tis the Season...

I can't be sick, I can't be sick, I can't be sick....I woke up Saturday morning with a sore throat and snuffly nose. Just a cold I'm sure. Only thing is, I'm helping to cook a fancy church dinner for 102 friday and I can't be sick! Traverse City cherry chicken, stuffed pork loin, and my best vegetarian lasagna for the few that won't eat meat. Redskin potatoes, green beans, field greens with almonds, mandarin oranges and Earl's homemade raspberry viniagrette. Oh, and he is making 3 kinds of cheesecake and a chocolate torte for dessert. I love a man that knows his way around the kitchen:>) So, now it is 5 p.m. and I am slipping into my cozy flannel p.j.'s grabbing a box of tissues and some tea and watching t.v. Do I have a million things I could do around the house? Could I be working on etsy projects? Sure, except I am pretty sure you don't want my germs on the etsy stuff, right? So I am giving myself the night off and praying that I am all better before the dinner. I will be sharing recipes, and the decorations, just not tonight. Send some prayers up for me if you get a chance:>) It's only a cold but I feel like crap.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

And the winner is......

#10, Beverly at How Sweet the Sound! I hope you like her Bev, sorry she isn't pink:>) But I hope you'll love her anyway. Thanks to everyone who helped me celebrate and left a comment. I appreciate each of you so much! Have a happy Sunday, we have actually had a little snow fall today, it hasn't stuck yet and I am ok with that! A grey cloudy day is just right for a little sewing and even a little dozing and relaxing. What are you doing to realx today?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Post every day....

Does this count? I am supposed to be posting every day, but today kind of got away from me. Finishing up 17 centerpieces for a church dinner, then shopping, then dinner with some great cousins tonight. I found these adorable "mumkins" on Better Homes & Gardens page to share. Cute! And now, I need to go find that random number generator for the give-away drawing. Winner announced tomorrow. I hope you all have a great weekend and that you are so busy having fun, the weekend sweeps you off your feet:>)

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Here it is. The surprise. Polly has been hard at work again putting together a holiday issue of Porch magazine, and guess who is on the cover? Me!
This was so much fun. Polly contacted me several weeks ago and asked if I would be interested. Well sure! I can't tell what is inside, but I know it is an issue full of us. Bloggers on Holiday if you will. How fun is that? The hearts you see are in my etsy shop now. Along with my latest little bird. I call her snowbird and she would look so sweet nestled in your Christmas tree.
If you want to order an issue of Porch magazine, just click on the magazine icon on my sidebar. I can't wait to get my issue and see who else is inside:>)
P.S. Dont forget to sign up for my give-away here. The drawing is tomorrow night, winner to be announced Sunday:>)
A couple weeks ago, Karen at A Scrapbook of Inspiration, gave me this award. I am late in acknowledging and passing it along, but it really is one of the awards that conveys what blogging does for me. The amazing friendships and connections I have found are priceless. It seems so easy to find wonderful friends who share interests and faith and so many other things. I am so glad I began this blog! So without further ado, I want to pass this on to some of my Blogging BFF's, women who I adore. I wish we were all next door neighbors!
BJ from Sweet Nothings...An upbeat post every day and someone who conveys a real sense of caring, one of my morning coffee day brighteners:>)
Penny at Lavender Hill Studios... A friend who has given mne advice and a listening ear. Everyone loves Penny!
Becky at Sweet Cottage Dreams... Becky and I have so much in common. I love visiting her blog and seeing her whimsical home and the beautiful things she makes. Some day one of her bags is going to be mine!
Mary at Little Red House...Another must visit in the mornings. Her photos are amazing and her heart is warm.
Phyllis at Shabby in the City... Phyllis jumped right in and helped me when I was setting up my blog. Since then chatting with Phyllis is like chatting with a neighbor over the backyard fence. She is so down to earth and always available:>)
Amy at Bunny Rose Cottage.. Another Michigan girl who is just so sweet, how can you resist her?
Jan at Jan and Toms Place...Another daily blogger. I dont know how she does it but Jan is so prolific I can't keep up with her! She finds amazing things out shopping with Tom, but she has a heart for God too. Love that:>)
Adrienne at With a Grateful Heart... Adrienne is uplifting and a joy. We connect on a spiritual and personal level, and have often wished we could just meet for tea. *sigh* maybe someday...
And lastly, Karen at A Scrapbook of Inspiration, I give this award back to you. You are a friend through and through.
There are so many more of you that touch my heart and make me laugh with your humor, or inspire me with your creativity. The one thing I don't like about awards like this is that, to list every one of you would make a post much longer than anyone would care to read. I always feel I am leaving someone out and I don't want to do that! The best list of all my BFF's is to the right, in my list of favorites. You are all there, and if you aren't there yet, I will be updating the list this week so keep looking!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Well, better late than never I always say! I am trying to post every day this month, I can see it will be hit and miss whether I get these posts done morning or evening. I am working on so many projects right now, I am putting this heart in my etsy tonight and hopefully getting the other two done by the weekend. If you remember, these were pieced by my dear grandmother from feedsack materials. I have two more and they will be gone.
Also, in two more days I hope to be able to share a little surprise that I worked on a couple weeks ago. It has all been very hush, hush but I am told it will be ready friday. I hope you like it:>) I certainly had fun with it.
I have decided I am going to do as much ahead for Christmas this month as I can. Sweet daughter #2 will be home from college next month and I can't let anything get in the way of spending special Christmas time with my girls! December should be fun and relaxing and joyful, not rushed and pressurized with the days flying past because I have filled them too full. What are you doing to prepare for the holidays?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted

Hubby and I just got back from the polls and despite a l-o-n-g line we were through in about 40 minutes. I am so glad that is over. I don't know about you, but I dont intend to turn on the t.v. until tomorrow morning at the soonest. I just don't want to hear the projections and speculation until they actually know who won. I am thankful that we can vote in this country, and I don't think I have missed an opportunity to do my civic duty since I turned 18, but I tire of the empty promises, the outright lies and the automated phone calls long before it is really over.
It is all out of my hands now and into Gods, where it has really been all along. I just pray that we get a good leader, a leader we can trust and the man who will do the best job. Amen.
And if you want to take your mind off the election, check out the post below that contains my 300th post give-away. Sign up and I'll draw a name Saturday. :>)

Monday, November 3, 2008

300th Post Give-Away

Today is the day. This is my 300th post, and since you have all been such angels, I have an angel for you. She is a prototype but she has the pants just charmed off me. Designed by Tone Finnanger, I bought this book of patterns and thought the angel was so cute! She stands 19" tall on her tippy toes and looks adorable hanging inside a wreath, sitting under a tabletop tree or standing on a table of Christmas cookies. I will include a stand with her and a small hanging loop on her back so you can do whatever you wish. I plan on making some of these for Chiristmas gifts!
She holds a wreath of ivy tied with a peppermint stripe ribbon and wears a dress of bright Christmas red:>) Just leave a comment on this post and Saturday I'll use a random number generator to pick a name. You have all made my day so many times and in so many ways...this angel symbolizes all of you! Thank you all for your visits and comments. I don't always find time to reply, between working, houshold duties and sewing for my etsy shop, well sometimes real life sucks up a lot of time! I just want you to know that I appreciate every single comment and visit. So leave a comment. Now is a great time to de-lurk:>) And if you don't have a blog, please, check back in case you win so I can get your info. You are all angels to me:>)

Sunday, November 2, 2008


During my unfortunate computer problem, I received a couple sweet treats, one in the mail and another from my darling husband. The oversize cup and saucer you see below came from a fellow etsy seller, Fluffy Flowers vintage, who had seen one of my blackbirds and asked if I was interested in a trade. Well, why not? It was coming up on Halloween and little Poe hadn't been claimed so I took a look in her shop. I fell in love with the cup and saucer and a few days later came home from work to find this beautiful Johnson Brothers transferware set. It's really big so it is perfect for my morning coffee or tea. A little treat that didn't cut into my budget at all:>)
The second treat is the Mary Janes ideabook, cookbook, lifebook. A little something, something my sweetie picked up for me at a yard sale for $2. I am a big fan of Mary Jane's writing and ideas. We are both farmgirls and her writing resonates with who I am deep down inside.
It is filled with sewing ideas...
Decorating ideas.....
And cooking, this is an eggnog parfait. She said she used eggnog instead of milk in the recipe (below) and substituted gingersnaps for the chocolate wafer cookies. Sounds yummy! MJ is also a believer in eating very healthfully and used soy eggnog, this is where we part company, I can't stand anything soy so I would just use plain eggnog.
I may try this for the holidays. If you click on the pictures they will expand and you can see the recipe better. I am pretty sure her ChillOver powder is just gelatin.
Little treats like this can be so much fun. I love when they are also cheap thrills. And speaking of cheap thrills, I am coming up on 300 posts and it's time for another give-away to celebrate:>) Keep an eye open, tomorrows post will have more details and you will get to see what you can win. I'm hoping you all get some little treats this week too!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Yes, Joy! That is what you feel when you have been without a computer for a week and finally get the new one hooked up. I kept myself busy while I was without my computer and the picture above is a little sneak peek of one of the projects I will be sharing with you this month. I am also joining Mrs. G. in commiting to post something every day for the month of November. That should be fun! It may just be a photo some days but I'm going to do my darndest! It feels so good to be back!