I never used to be into blue and white plates, and then I saw some of the beautiful blue and white displays around blogland and fell in love with them. I began collecting them here and there at Marshalls and yard sales and today I put a small display up over my buffet. The chalkboard was made for me by my sweetheart, the curlicues and flourishes were done by Victoria,the curlicue queen. I printed the words out in different fonts and used chalk markers for our family rules board. The lighting was horrible by the time I got all the plates on the wall today, so I apologise for the blurry photo, but I just couldn't wait to show you. I love it.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Mine was the best! Friday off from work, Victoria home from school for the weekend, a little sewing, and sunshine and lots of cuddling and some movies. It doesn't get any better. Now another work week begins, but it sounds like I may have a snow day or two mid week. Eight to ten inches is the forecast. Batten down the hatches, have you had enough snow yet?