A few of you have asked what direction I am going with the bedroom. It gives me a great idea, you all have great taste, you're decorating divas! So, I am going to ask you to be a part of this whole thing. Give me advice. Let me know what you think. Remember, my budget is
nonexistent! Here is the first element and the first challenge of the bedroom make-over. While out junking with a friend I came across 12 3/4 yards of this.....

scotch guarded cotton covered in roses, primroses and ivy. My first choice in a color scheme? Not
necessarily, but for $5,
yes $5! I can adapt. I'm ready for a change and the way I see it, for $5 when times get better I wont feel like I wasted a lot of money when I redo the whole thing again. (I am the Queen of bargains!)

Another section of the fabric. I want you to get an idea of all the colors...ignore the purple, I am going to pretend it isn't there...

I am thinking that this calls for a garden theme. I know that the best way to decorate is to choose your fabrics first and get your colors from the fabric, and since I already painted yeah, I am going about this backwards, but the walls are a soft cream color and all the furniture is
paintable and replaceable. What have I got to lose? Now for the dilemma. I have two very large windows that face south, so I get plenty of light. The problem is that flanking the bed are two smaller windows, about half the size of the south windows. Now I am just keeping it real here ladies, these are the before photos and they are supposed to look bad! I just threw the bed together this morning and took the picture, no staging, no fluffing. You have to love the crooked pillows and the old curtain thrown on the bed. Someday we will laugh about how bad this looks! We will right?

Now,how do you dress the windows when they are different sizes? I need privacy and light control. I am thinking of valances above all the windows with the rose fabric, and full lace curtains below, but those small windows have me stumped. I love full, floor length panels at the large windows but I am afraid that would look dorky at the small windows. Any suggestions?