There isn't much in this world that's more fun than a hand full of baby chicks.
We went and got the new flock yesterday while the sun was shining and it was warm and beautiful. The babies were brought home and put in a clean, snug coop under the warmth of my grandfather's old brooder light to keep them toasty. His old glass chick waterer was set up and feeders were set out for them. It's always so much fun to watch them run around and explore. Eating and drinking and tipping over on their little faces as they fall asleep on their feet. One minute they are awake and the next they have fallen face first into a nap.This little guy is one of the tinier chicks. We got a mixture of breeds so they are all different ages. Earl was trying to get it to relax and fall asleep in his hand. Such a cutie. The chick is cute too ;)
We got 2 each of Wellsummers, ISA Browns, Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, Black Australorp and Gold Laced Wyandotte, all brown egg layers, and two Aracaunas that will lay green or blue eggs. It will be a while, but I'm hoping this flock will be as sweet and beautiful as our last flock was.
I'm looking forward to fresh eggs this fall! Lots happening here and I'll be sharing more next week.
Have a great week and enjoy the sunshine and warmth.