Thursday, October 18, 2007

I was just over at Savvy City Farmer and she was talking about feeling like she might want to quit blogging. Yow! I am going to be my own "out there" self and say that as wonderful as blogging can be, and is, there are also a few pressures that sometimes make me wonder where this whole blog thing is going. I LOVE sharing with everyone, I admit, I am addicted to the comments you all leave. After a while it is like hearing from a dear friend as I get to know each of you a bit more through your blogs and comments. But there is also just a teeny bit of pressure. Do I post often enough? Do people really like what I write about or are they being kind? What if I get busy and can't post for a few days will they quit coming by? Silly isnt it. I cant think of very many people who didn't start their blogs just as an outlet for themselves or a way for family to keep up with their lives, but sometimes it takes a different direction. Sometimes we start letting the comments and other peoples blogs dictate what we post. Sometimes I post what I think you will be interested in and when I do, it cancels out why I began this blog, which was as a form of personal expression. The positive, frieindly comments are one of the reasons I love blogging, but sometimes they drive what I share like I am some kind of pavlovian dog. Too much of a good thing? No! I just need to make sure I am true to myself and don't feel driven to post based on what I think your expectations are. I have to admit also, that when I have professional decorators looking at my page it makes me so unsure of myself. Once again that is dumb, I have had nothing but kind and generous remarks, but I am not any kind of decorator and after being a stay at home mom most of my life, my budget has definitely defined my decor. I call it roadside decorating:>) And, please, if you are a decorator, keep coming, I love hearing from everyone of you and I just need to get my insecurities in check! Oh well, there it all is in black & white. I know some of the rest of you must be feeling the same way. Let me know, have you ever felt that this blog thing has two sides? Ever feel the pressure?
Addendum: Don't worry, I am not really considering giving up blogging, I am WAY too addicted to it. I do love having a forum for my thoughts and ideas and I DO love meeting everyone. I am just trying to keep everything in perspective:>)


  1. Kathy, I have only been blogging really for a few months. I love the whole concept of blogging. Your blog is one of the first blogs I came across. I really enjoy reading your blog. And I really don't mind waiting if you take a week off :-). I just look forward to when you come back.

    I decided about a month ago to curtail my blogging to just evenings. In the beginning, I check out other blogs, and comments on my blog 5-6 times a did cut into my mosaic time, and that comes first (well, really family comes first, but then

    Blogging can take on a life of its own. I know that some bloggers are actually full time bloggers. And that is great. I just know that I have to curtail my blogging to an hour in the evening. It is a good thing I can read and type fast!

    I hope you don't stop blogging. But if you do, then you just need to email me once a week or so and let me know what is going on in your life. Deal?

  2. I can feel your uneasiness as to why you blog and if you want to continue. I feel the same way. I am addicted to seeing the new ideas I glean from others and their blogs but feel a bit intimidated knowing I am not a pro in many of the fields they excell at and fell unsure of what I post as it being "good enough". You are a great place to visit, please don't give it up, you inspire many of us and keep us "grounded in what is important". Jan @ daylilylane (toothfairy)

  3. Hi Kathy!
    I completely relate to everything you said & I admire you for saying it! I don't post very often because my work & projects that I love to do come I always feel like I'm "falling behind" in the blog world! I have no idea how so many bloggers keep up, post every day, etc.....definitely pressure to stay on top of it. I guess we each do what we can do in the time that we have & enjoy it when we can!! I always enjoy your blog & the little "toile" card you sent sits on my desk!
    From one Kathy to another ~ Hugs!

  4. I saw the same post on City Farmer's blog, and I have felt the exact same way. It takes up so much of my time to have a blog. But part of that is my own self, because I worry about what everyone thinks and I become a little obsessive about it. But when I think about giving it up, I think about all of my blog friends, and I couldn't give them up. I'm still undecided. It would be nice if I could post once a week and read/comment once a week. I don't know if I have enough self control. We'll see. :-)

  5. Very well said. I let my blog drive me in the beginning. Now I post when I can. My subjects are kind of all over the map so I guess readers never know what they are going to get ;-) I think I'm enjoying it more now. It's much easier to *be me* and try to be something/someone I'm not.

  6. Kathy,

    I love stopping by your blog every chance I get. If you haven't posted anything new, I just check back in again another time. It works.

    I'm so glad to see that picture made it upstairs. It is so precious-I just love it. It looks great on the shelf. Oh, BTW, maybe Earl and I have some defective genes but I can't imagine painting that beautiful oak, either. Sorry. LOL How about using some of your vintage fabrics to line the shelves to lighten it up? I dunno, you know I'm no decorator...


  7. Kathy, your writing is exceptional, and I am a strict editor. You would be suprised how many people in the world do not know a complete sentence when they meet it on the street!! Your artistic eye shows through in everything you do. Just remember, It is all about You, not them. If it stops serving the purpose that you need, find something else. I personally hope you do not do that, but follow your own star. LAS

  8. i do agrre with you. I also want to say your bolg is one of my first and I have always loved it. You are very talented!

  9. Hey, now, I know exactly how you feel. I just received a rather large recognition on my blog and I know exactly what you mean about the pressure. Huge! My mom just said to just do what you've been doing, don't change just because of WHO is looking at you now. But I get nervous!!!!!!!

    You are a wonderful person, wonderful blogger, and you just need to keep it all real. We like you the way you are! Don't put undo pressure on yourself, blogging should not take over our lives!


  10. Well said!
    I sometimes really enjoy blogging, other days not so much.
    I just run by the seat of my pants and most times have no idea what I'm babbling about until it's out!
    But I have met soo many wonderful blogfriends in the big blog world!

  11. Kathleen, I have to say my blog and the friends i made have made one of the most difficult years for me the best! I just post whatever, when ever and am happy with that! A small group of friends to me is greater then 50-60 comments i would go crazy to answer! Your always fun and interesting to me...keep up being you! later, Lori

  12. It's a fine line isn't it?! Being real is real hard sometimes. I was reading (somewhere in the Bible - possibly Titus, but I'm not sure) that ministry is a sacrifice. In the last week I've been weighted feeling the responsiblity of having so many people reading what I write. Not that it's millions or anything but I think you understand. I'm actually stressed trying to answer emails, respond to comments, pray with people who so desperatly need it. All of a sudden I have a new found appreciation for pastors and their abililty to do time management! When talked to my parents about it last weekend, my dad smiled and said, "His burden is light... You're making it work rather than ministry." Stinkin' parents - they're never wrong!! =) Blessings.. Polly

  13. I don't have a blog but I think I can understand what you are gets addictive in reading blogs never mind writing. I agree...please just be yourself and don't do what you think others expect, be yourself and post when you feel like it..I'll be here!!

  14. Hi Kathy! I can understand how you feel. I personally started my blog because of my love for decorating and things. But sometimes I feel like I may come accross as spoiled or too happy. Indeed I am not either of those. But i try to be positive and shoe positive things on my blog. I didnt start it for family and friends, I started it to meet people with the same interests. I love ALL of you who come and visit me and like you said, you have all become my greatest friends!

    Just keep being true to you and make your blog all that you were hoping it would be. It is supposed to be fun and that is all i am trying to do with my blog. Once it becomes work, it is time to stop!

    Love ya,

  15. I agree with Amy, I started Blogging because I wanted to connect with ladies that had the same interests as me, Antiquing, Paper Crafting, Decorating. I took a class in High School on Interior in High School. My furniture is old, not vintage, my walls are bare, but I Thank The good Lord Everyday that I can be a Stay at Home, sometimes it's worth the sacrifice.

    I love your blog, I love your style and don't feel pressured. you should do this for pleasure and for you, Not anyone else, and your blogging friends love reading your blog,I know I do :)


  16. I love that pic! it looks just like my sister!

  17. Oh, yes! I have all the same feelings and I haven't been doing this as long as you.

  18. Most of the time I enjoy blogging, but sometimes there is incredible pressure (especially to finish projects). I just had to stop looking at my Stats counter and remember why I started blogging. I don't know how people post everyday - I really don't :-) I've had to limit my time and although I like to be able to get to everyone that takes the time to leave me a comment, it's just impossible some days! Hopefully they understand.

    Anyway, I enjoy your blog and I hope you feel that you can take time off if you want to. Blogging should be fun, not a chore!


  19. Naaahh..I don't feel pressure because I've gone to blogs I like and a new post has not been done for several days, maybe longer, but I don't abandon them. I just check back later. I also figure, if someone doesn't care for what I've posted, they just won't leave a comment. If they do like what they see, they'll tell me. I wish I could be just as laid back in other areas of my life as I am about blogging...weird. Sometimes I'd like to get more personal, but then I think oh crap, zillions could see this including my students ~ so nahhh, better not. :)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I meant to say that I did not mean for this much time pass.....


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