The old computer is quite dead, may it rest in peace. We will have to get a new one, hubby needs it for his job searches and I need it for this, and yes, blogging is a legitimate reason for buying a new computer, even in the worst of times! I hope to be up and running by the end of the week, and catching up with everyone. I am able to steal a few moments on Laurens laptop but I really hate these things.
While you are waiting breathlessly for my return (I llike to think:>) hop on over to my sweet SIL at Blue Barn Bulletin and enter her 100th post give-away and say hello. You can see some of the painting I did on the nieces walls years ago. Looks like they will need to be redone :>) I hope to see you soon!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Bummer. my computer wouldn't turn on this morning:>( I'm using my daughters lap top to post this but I probably wont see you for a few days. I have my brother-in-law coming sometime tomorrow to take a look, lets hope it can be fixed rather than replaced. The last thing we need right now is another bill. I'll see you asap. Have a great weekend!
Friday, October 24, 2008
LOL, have you seen this?!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Fall Porch Party
Melissa, at The Inspired Room is having a Fall Porch Party. I thought I would join in, so I grabbed my trusty camera and headed for our small town's historic district. I was surprised at how few of the houses had done anything to dress up their porch! This row of homes is usually the jewel of the town, I have to wonder if the economy has really made everyone a little more conservative with their decorating dollars. This house can you not snap a photo of an orange house in the autumn? It looks cute in the fall but I am not sure I would have the bravery to paint my home orange or whether I would love it so much in the spring and summer. If you click on these pictures they should expand.
Now this one I love. These quirky old cottages just melt my heart. The round top doorway, the sharply peaked entry, it is all so unique and cute, and I think they had the best decorations on the block! Simple but cute:>)
This house is another favorite, a huge old farmhouse in a cheery yellow with a beautiful matching barn out back. What I wouldn't do for a barn like that. Does anyone else covet old buildings? I see so many that are used for junk storage or nothing at all and I think of a wonderful studio for myself and one for Earl in the other end and I know there is just no justice in this world. We would use an old building like that, no doubt about it. The next house we buy has to have some outbuildings! And look at the porch. *sigh* The next house gets one of those babies too.
Stop on over to The Inspired Room and do some drive -by's in the comfort of your chair. I have my cup of coffee and it is only 39 degrees outside right now so I am glad I snapped these yesterday when it was nice! Have a great day:>)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
A special gift
I have said it before and I'll say it again. Bloggers have the biggest hearts! One of my dear blog friends Kathryn Bechen, saw that my husband had been laid off and sent me this wonderful book as an encouragement. It is published by Guidposts and inside is an article Kathryn wrote recounting her own struggles and a miraculous vision and help in a similar situation.
It is Kathryn's wish, that when I finished the book I send it along to someone else who was dealing with stressful times. I found this book so encouraging, I would love to pass it along and I hope that the next person to read it will do the same. Please, if you would like to read this, and see Kathryns own testimony, either comment or send me an email at, telling me that you would like it and I will send it right out. Thank you Kathryn for your thoughtfulness and kindness. I am sure this book will be a wonderful ministry to so many!
P.S. I should have said that the first to request the book gets it! Jan, it's yours and I hope you will pass it along and let it continue to be an encouragement to someone else:>)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Pumpkin Bread
Hey ladies, head over to Shell In Your Pocket where Sandy is having a really great give-away. You're going to love it:>)
Monday, October 13, 2008
On our trip downstate this weekend, my husband and I took a little trip into Indiana to visit Shipshewana. Have you ever heard of it? It's a little Amish / Mennonite enclave with lots of great stores and places to visit. On this particular trip I had one goal, to check out the fabrics in Yoders Depatment store. Oh, my! I fell. in. love. I wanted it all. Every brightly colored 1030's feedsack reproduction I saw. Oh yes, the colors.
The patterns. The charming old fashioned prints. I want them all!
I did walk away with a few that you will be seeing in some projects, and most importantly I got the names of the lines I loved best so I can look them up locally.
We also went to a not so little fabric shop called Lolly's fabrics in downtown Shipshewana. Two floors of cotton goodness. I am not a quilter so to tell you the truth, I have never paid any attention to quilt shops. Oh, what I was missing.
Now I intend to visit every quilt shop within a 50 mile radius of where I live. I just can't believe what I have been missing all these years! Anyone have a favorite online source of beautiful fabrics?
P.S. I was afraid that I had forgotten the pink in all my post's for October, but going back I see that they each have just a touch of pink! :>)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Parents weekend
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I have plans to head to Shipshewana, Indiana with hubby while Victoria finishes up her morning classes, then off to my brothers guest house nearby to kick back, watch movies, and make her favorite veggie lasagna. Then shopping, a movie, maybe the local ice cream parlor. We will , all four, be together again and it sounds like heaven!
On another subject, I haven't blogged much this week because I have been working on a top secret project that I am so excited about, I wish I could show you right now but it will have to wait a couple weeks. I know, I hate it when I see that kind of thing, such a tease. But, I really am just bursting at the seams! The picture above isn't the surprise but it is one of four quilt blocks made by my grandmother over 50 years ago. They have been in my stash for at least 20 years and I finally decided to convert them to hearts. One for me, three for you! I'll have them in my etsy shop next week. They are made of real vintage feedsack, even the backing has printing from the sacks on it! I think grandma would be happy that they are finally seeing daylight:>)
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, I know I will!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
A Murder of Crows
I almost forgot my pink for this post! Here is a "sweet" pink heart charm just for you!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
When Life Gives You Lemons...
Make Lemonade! Or lampshades:>) Am I going to let a little set back keep me from doing fun things? Well, of course not! Using a shade and fabric and trim I already had I redid this lampshade for the bedroom. Cost..$0. I felt like I needed a touch of black in this room to spark up the pinkish roses. Doesn't every room need a little black?
Being the toile fiend that I am, finding some toile in my stash was no problem, I had the black seam binding too. It isn't perfect but it is beautiful. I can see why people love to do this now. I was a little nervous because I had never done it before, but it was easy peasy. I love it!
Finding pink in my house isn't easy, I am a lover of all things red. Not burgundy, not! So when BJ at Sweet Nothings challenged us to post something pink every day in October for breast cancer awareness, it was with a little trepidation that I said I would join her. My sweetheart found a set of these little pressed glass heart shaped dishes at a yard sale this past summer and brought them home for me. I use them by the bedside and one at each sink for my rings. This time, I found some vintage beaded earrings to toss into the dish. Just for BJ and breast cancer awareness. Don't forget your mamogram! A friend of mine at work was just diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer. How did they find it? At her yearly mammogram. Fortunately they found it early and it is very treatable. That is the key isn't it? Finding it early? Sigh, I know, I hate them too, but I am going. How about you?
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