Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007

The fourth Sunday of advent the Shepherd candle is lit, it also stands for Love and sharing Christ. On Christmas eve a white candle is lit in remembrance that Jesus Christ is the light if the world.
For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory for your people Israel. Luke 2: 30-32
I am wishing you all a very Merry Christmas! Joy, Peace, Hope, Love and Light be yours this Christmas and throughout the year:>)
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The tree part 2
This is also one of my favorites, it is a picture of Earl and his sisters and cousins all sitting around his Uncle Art in his uniform. (Remember the live pheasant? Uncle Art is the scamp who left it for us!) Earls cousin Rick is the kid in the lower right hand corner with the glasses. If you click on the picture you can see he looks just like Ralphie in the movie "A Christmas Story"! We tease him about it all the time:>)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Third week of Advent ~ JOY!


I have been tagged by Adrienne Of "With A Grateful Heart" and Penny of "Lavender Hill Studio" to reveal 12 random Christmas things about myself that you don't know.
1. List 12 random things about yourself that have to do with Christmas
2. Please refer to it as a 'HOOPLA' and not the dreaded 'm'-word (I think this means meme)
3. You have to specifically tag people when you're done. None of this "if you're reading this, consider yourself tagged" stuff is allowed...then nobody ends up actually doing it. The number of people who you tag is really up to you -- but the more, the merrier to get this 'hoopla' circulating through the blogosphere.
4. Please try and do it as quickly as possible. The Christmas season will be over before we know it and I'd like to get as many people involved as possible.
So here are my 12 Random Christmas Things:
1. I prefer a live tree. When I was little, my family Christmas was not all that great. My step-dad had a "thing" about Christmas and made it as miserable as possible for all of us. I was the one who insisted on Christmas decorations and the tree. We cut our own back then too and it was fairly miserable but for some reason, my step-dad always gave me the final word on the perfect tree. Nobody else cared that much but we would not stop looking or cut a tree until I had pronounced that this is the one. One of the few indulgences I had as a child. I am still picky, but my daughters choose now, and they are as choosey as I was!
2. I prefer wrapped boxes to gift bags. I think it is too easy to peek in a bag and I love the square packages tied with pretty ribbon.
3. I am still the driving force behind decorating and celebrating Christmas. Anyone else wonder what Christmas would be like if you just sat back and put your feet up and left it to someone else?
4. I have only one rule for gifts, no appliances!
5. It wouldn't be Christmas without candles. I burn enough to heat the house!
6. One of my favorite Christmas movies is "The Bishops Wife" with Carey Grant and Loretta Young.
7. I don't remember ever believing in Santa.
8. I love wrapping gifts. I love making them really pretty with tags and ribbon and foof. I buy lots of wired and pretty ribbon and re-use it from year to year.
9. One of my favorite things about Christmas is sitting in the living room with a nice cup of coffee or tea and watching Christmas movies by the glow of the tree and candles. If it is snowy out all the better.
10. I hate taking down the decorations as a job, but each year at New Years I take it all down and relish the clean fresh look for the new year.
11. One of my favorite Christmas memories is when the girls were little and we told them they couldn't wake us up until 6 a.m. We would hear them get up, whisper, giggle, filling our stockings, more giggling, ask each other what time it was (we were awake listening and laughing!) and then when they knew it was time they would "surprise" us by playing a carol on the piano.
12. We don't have a big Christmas dinner. We do a fancy Christmas breakfast, with chocolate stuffed French toast, fresh fruit and sparkling juice. We open our stockings at the table and then move on to presents. Then we get together with extended family(aunts, uncles, cousins, grandma) for a potluck and more gifts. Very relaxed and happy. We all bring our best dish and snack and chat and have a great time.
I am going to pass this on to Rhonda of "Farmhouse Style". Happy Chirstmas to all of you. I will post my Advent celebration later tonight:>)
Friday, December 14, 2007
The Pheasant is no more.....


As well as baking, a two month bible reading calender, articles by Dobson, Gary Smalley and Joyce Meyer and just all kinds of beautiful eye candy and wonderful articles. You can find out more about it here. I have missed Karlas what do you love about your holiday home party. I did get to visit quite a few homes but no time to post. I will have a bit more time this weekend and hopefully next week to show a little bit more of my home and, of course my advent posting. Have a wonderful weekend and a big thank you to everyone who has been taking the time in this busy season to continue to share their life and home through their blogs:>)
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Thank you Jenn & Jacqui :>)

This is one of the dessert tables. The plate of Chocolate covered cheesecake bites were made by my darling husband, They were scrumptious, as were all the desserts (although I did NOT personally try all of them! At least I didn't have to repent for that!) When the program was done we helped clean up and were there very late!
Monday after work we STARTED our Christmas shopping. I got 4 whole gifts! Woohoo! We are also in the unenviable position of needing to look for a vehicle to replace the one that was totalled in November. We had a loaner from a friend for most of the month but he is on his way to Florida to live now and needed it back. We just got the insurance check to replace it yesterday. Car shopping just before Christmas, oh yeah I need that! We will be looking for a mini van to replace the one I had. Just a few more years of needing one for family outings and trips and then something smaller and more fuel efficient.
One funny thing. A couple weeks ago Earls Uncle called and wanted to know if I wanted some pheasant feathers. He is a hunter and I said sure,I would love some feathers for crafts. He brought them last night while we were shopping. They are still attached to the pheasant. The live pheasant. It looks like we will be having pheasant for dinner soon. I will not be dispatching the poor thing myself. Either darling husband will find time to "harvest" it or I will have the loveliest pet pheasant.....and how is your week going?
Sunday, December 9, 2007

Thursday, December 6, 2007
We interrupt the Christmas tree to bring you...
Oh Christmas Tree...
and this is one of the vintage ornaments that belonged to Grandpa. I love this silver bird, I don't know if it is one of the things that sparked Earl's interest in collecting birds for the Christmas tree but it is certainly beautiful. I will share some more of Grandpa's ornaments and more from our tree later today. Right now I have to finish getting ready for work!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Cutting the tree
This is where the pictures end because about 30 seconds later the skies opened up and we were absolutley drenched in a winter downpour! It was only about 38 degrees out there! We ran to the warming shed (they have one in each field! YAY!) and waited for the wagon to come pick us up. After the tree spent the day on the front porch drying out, we set it up last night. It isnt fully decorated yet, I will share when it is, but I can honestly say, it's the perfect tree:>)
Sunday, December 2, 2007
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,
Saturday, December 1, 2007
The progressive dinner
I also have a few little hints of what I sent off for my Ornament swap partner, Alice at Inspired Tokens.
A little something fun and sparkly, I can't show the rest of the package because I was so focused on getting it wrapped and sent today (the deadline!) that I didn't get it photographed, so hopefully when she gets it Alice will take some pictures I can use to show you:>)
Tomorrow is the first day of Advent and I will be participating in Britt- Arnhilds Advent party. Britt lives in Norway and is celebrating the holy season with fellow Bloggers from all over. Take a look! I'll see you all tomorrow night:>)
As Victoria (youngest daughter) points out in the comments, I did have some major help in preparing the house. My girls are always willing and wonderful about helping out with parties. We are a team and I appreciate their help and their encouragement in so many areas more than I can say! I love you girls!:>)