What kind of sad person puts up with some guy making the rounds in hopes that she will be the one he chooses? Would someone put up with that in real life? I hope not, but I suppose it happens. I am repelled by the premise of this skanky show. I never thought I would say this, but what ever happened to women's lib and the idea that women are more than sex objects for some guy? I can't imagine what these girls mothers and fathers must think. Am I hopelessly out of touch? How can a show this nasty be so popular? And what in the world are we teaching the next generation of young women:>(
I won't call you "old fashioned", I will call you someone with self-respect and honour and a sense of pride. Which is what I hope we all are and what we want our children to learn from us.
ReplyDeleteI don't watch much television and I definitely don't want "reality" tv like this program.
People do this for "fame", for their chance to "shine in the spotlight". If it means debasing themselves? Many will do it. And it speaks volumes to what means more to them and what their priorities are...not just for this show but for all these reality programs.
this should be said from every pulpit in the country THIS SUNDAY.
ReplyDeleteI always wondered that myself...the trying out part...and look how they all hate each other....staged cat fights for pete's sake...don't all of us creative, innovative, nesting "wonders" have better things to do on a cold Monday night....like sew aprons, or redesign the kitchen?????
I've vowed to not be sucked into American Idol, either.
thanks for this kick in the pants.
The premise of The Bachelor has always bothered me. A gaggle of women lined up for a man to play with and "try out" also has bothered me for a long time. And I've never understood people's fascination with this. Those so called "reality tv" shows are nothing like reality and are more scripted that anyone would think. The parents might be twisted enough to think it's great their daughter's on television in spite or her actions, and that's even worse. I would not want my daughter lining herself up in front of a "paid" suitor! It's a sad commentary on society and to the depths the television networks will go. I find the "rose ceremony" to be espcially degrading. The whole thing bothers me too but I've never put it into words before. It always shocks me to find out who watches this show! People who would die if their daughter was on there don't mind watching someone else's daughter make a fool of the whole family on national television! Sorry this got so long, it's a sore spot with me too! Thanks for posting!
ReplyDeleteKathy, I think that IS women's lib, sweet cherub. They think there are no consequences to their actions but there will be some day. Yes, I'm old fashioned and love it. If a guy says "if you love me, you'll have s*x with me", I'd tell him that if he loved hme he wouldn't ASK me such a thing. I'm not really old fashioned, just a woman who believes in morals and that breaking them brings sadness and unhappiness. The times and society are proving me correct. Sad to say. Why would he marry you if he can get it for free......EASILY! Hmmmmmmmmm?????
Kathy, you are so funny!! Bit I Totally agree with you on this one!I dont even watch it anymore!!
After seeing ONLY part of the Bachelor, ONE TIME, I haven't watched it since. I'm with you on this one, my old-fashioned friend!!
ReplyDeleteI also find the HOUSE HUNTERS and other HGTV shows that showcase homes being sold or re-done...in which there is a gay or lesbian couple. It goes against everything I believe. That, too, goes against the Lord's commands. And has to do with morals, as well.
Now...before someone says or thinks I'm out of line about this...I do NOT hate gays or lesbians...just don't like how they live. And I shouldn't have to see it on TV...especially on a HOME show!
I also happen to have a gay 38-year old son. Love him...hate how he chooses to live.
You are right on Kathy about the bachelor. What are these girls thinking?
ReplyDeleteI don't watch this show but I do worry about what our young women think. I am concerned that the insinuations are thought of as "true" even though most likely they are not.
ReplyDeleteI guess I am old fashioned, too!
I am SO with you on this one! I personally think it's terrible and I'm sad that so many people enjoy watching things like this.
ReplyDeleteI have to bite my tongue about those shows because they are so popular. To me it's pure trash!!
ReplyDeleteHow about Wife Swap? Now I know they don't literally swap wives but the whole premise is so gross.
This is why I watch HGTV and Food TV! I don't know why people who don't even know each other think nothing of forming the most intimate of relationships. Good review of a bad program.
ReplyDeleteHappy Tuesday from
Roberta Anne
OMGosh--I'm so happy to hear another person saying the things I've thought about that show forever! It really makes me sick. When I first saw the promos for the first season of that show, I said to my husband.."who in the heck would watch that?? Or participate in that?" well, I guess a lot will, sadly, because it's been a few years now. Ish.
ReplyDeleteSmiles, Karen
DITTO to everyone else's comments!
ReplyDeleteGive me the Food Network and HGTV (like Raggety Girl said!) any day!
I can hardly stomach the evening news any more, let alone "reality" TV.
Old fashioned and proud of it here!
ReplyDeleteheck, it isn't really old fashioned but pride and self respect! These sh0ows are just awful. But there are worse ones sadly...I saw a few on other channels that appalled me! I am not always easily appalled anymore (which is sad in itself!)
I think you are right on the mark and folks wonder why I don't watch much TV!
I hope all is well your way...
Your aprons are just beautiful!!
Oh I'm with ya girl-sickening isn't it!
ReplyDeletei don't have a tv. I'm so happy after hearing about that show. Gross.
ReplyDeleteYou know I don't even bother to watch that show - never have and never will. What I don't understand is, the guy NEVER marries or stays with the girl she chooses so why would you even go on a show like this? I've never understood this. Do they really think they'll find their tru love on a reality tv show? Actually I don't understand any of these types of shows and VH1 has tons of them. Have you ever seen a snippet of Rock of Love - oh my that will make you sick to your stomach!! We were literally stunned one night flipping channels to see that such a show even exists!
Of course there are women like that in the "real world", but there's something in these shows that makes ordinary people go wild. It's not that the girls are prepared to do anything so that he picks her, but because she really believes she loves him and he loves her. All the girls voted off are crying their eyes out because of this.
ReplyDeleteIt's a little similar as with nude photos... I saw an interview with a 50 years old woman who allowed her private parts be photographed for a magazine because she got taken by the situation... It wasn't supposed to go that far, but a little by little she allowed the boundaries to widen until she had none left. She felt great, beautiful and sexy, but later she realized what she had done, and didn't feel quite that great anymore...
Probably the girl in the tent realizes after the show what she did, and can't understand how it happened.
You're not out of touch, dear Kathleen. Backlash is a devious thing. "Sex and the City" is presented as empowering... :-D
Unfortunately, I fear, we have failed our youth. In a resent survey 75% of college students said that they would prefer to aspire to fame rather than greatness. They live entirely in the moment with no fear of a lifetime of shame or consequences.
ReplyDeleteOh my! Don't get me started! : )
I despise this show! It is so demeaning and degrading to young women! No wonder they end up getting treated so badly. Don't watch and e-mail the sponsors (commercials) about how offensive the show is!
ReplyDeleteokay ladies...20 out of 20 now that is something for us all to be proud of....May I use your quote for a comment on another blog...you said it so well...holy spirit inspired and all.. I will post it as annonymous in quotes...hope you don't mind...strike while the iron is hot, ya know
ReplyDeleteI agree with you!!!...m.
ReplyDeleteWhen this show first aired years ago my 23 yr old daughter (then in high school) and I had a knock down drag out fight because I refused to let her watch it. I never restricted shows from them when they were teens..I figured they'd see it somewhere else anyway...but this was one that I held my ground on.. It just goes against every moral there is. I can't believe it's still on...what does that say about our tolerance for garbage like this?
ReplyDeleteI agree, the show is disgusting, as is most of TV. I tuned into the Biggest Loser to see what it was all about. Such crude language and hateful comments. I turned it off after just a few minutes. The TV is seldom on at our house because there is nothing much worth watching!
ReplyDeleteIt is not just on TV..it is in books and you can bet that the late years of high school will have English books of low morals in them.
ReplyDeleteTo tolerate is meant to be a virtue.
When you read a novel it is rare that the couple even get to have the first date before bed....it is as if they were animals with no self countrol, no boundaries and absolutely no morals. Sodem and Gomorrah in the Old Testament...the cities that Lot and his wife were meant to be saved from.....but the silly woman turned back.....and ended up as a pillar of salt.
How many of us however write to the TV channels and tell them their choices are deplorable. I am so cross a lot of the times when I fail to follow through.
Kathy you are right on with this! It is shows like this that are the reason we dont have TV in our home...total garbage in my opinion!
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen it. Thankfully :)
ReplyDeleteI mostly watch blogs! (and still have to be careful!)
Call me old fashioned, too. It is a shame that the TV industry has such a huge soapbox to try and shove their idiologies down our throat. Kind of like anything goes - anything. This is why I only watch a handful of shows!
We watch almost no regular t.v. programming! We stick to channels like the Food Network or DIY (we don't get HGTV on our dish! boo hoo)
ReplyDeleteIt is sad to me that in years past Women were hollering that men were treating women "like s*x objects". But all that liberation has done for most women, is that now they make themselves "s*x objects".
So terribly sad.
Hi Kathy, first let me say I LOVE your aprons! They're sooo cute! Now as for the skanky show: YOU ARE RIGHT! Dr. Laura once said that in this world it is only the human species that don't make the male jump through hoops before they mate! It says a lot about our society these days - but then, look at the shape the world is in! How sad for us! Even the commercials are getting bad, and you don't have a choice but to see them! Boy, did you open up a can of worms! Just look at "Sex in the city!" And a lot of other shows on TV. What are our children & grandchildren learning!!!
Oh how I agree with you. I cant bear to think about these poor role models for our young people nowadays.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more, Kathy. Add to all that the thought that both the bachelor and the girl are probably aspiring actors trying to get noticed... Yuck.
ReplyDeleteI agree. I've never seen this show and I don't plan to.
ReplyDeleteI just can't handle those TV shows. I watch the news, HGTV, and every once in a great while, a movie. I love the aprons that you make.
Kathy~~ AMEN!! Your words should be published!! thank you for telling it like it is. I could not agree more.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by and your kind comments.
See you again soon.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Oh, I'm with you totally! That's the way I have felt whenever I've seen that program and others. The premise is that this is the way everyone would choose their life partner. What ever happened to our morals, self respect and living life to the fullest until the right one comes along. Of course I waited for God to bring my sweetheart into my life and it was the only way to go!
I too, am not a fan of this show. I do not even understand it's appeal to those that do watch it. I agree with you 100% and have to say I watch very little "regular" tv because of the quality of the shows that are broadcasted. So sad
ReplyDeleteYou really touched a nerve with me on this. I so agree with you. I have problems with all of the shows that are "entertaiment" or "funny" when they are full of the crude and obscene humor. Don't we have to live in a world of reality of this going on, and then to have to turn it on in our living rooms? When is enough, enough? Loved your words. Blessings,Kathleen
ReplyDeleteI think some people will do just about anything to be on t.v....it's sad. I never watch the show.
ReplyDeleteI know, I have often thought that the examples of how women are treated on television has undone all the hard work that women's lib tried to do. We have gone backwards, not to mention the moral messages sent to young women. I rarely watch television anymore, because the sexual messages and violence are so distrubing.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite programs are the Bill Cosby show, Raymond and the Golden Girls.
It's sad that many young people don't go through courtship. Holding hands with the one you liked used to be such a thrill. And the moments that built up to a kiss were precious. That's the stuff that long term relationships are made of. That's probably one reason why couples get bored with eachother too soon. Bravo for hitting on this topic.
ReplyDeleteI'm coming in at the bottom of the heap here but just had to say how much I agree with you! When the 20 somethings come home and try to sneak one of those shows on the TV I have a fit. They laugh and saw it's just entertainment but I say it's just trash! Thank goodness of educational channels :-0