Monday, June 29, 2009
A Beautiful Gift:>)
I was the lucky winner of a give-away from Cynthias Cottage Design and received it late last week. What with sewing frenzies and an impromptu visit from my brother I've not had the time until now to show you this lovely package. If you have never been to Cynthias Cottage Design, go now! It is so beautiful and I love her use of color and pattern. She has great decorating ideas and a darling online store and design services. I won this gorgeous box of goodies which included one of her beautiful collages, a vintage apron, a pink toile plate, a pretty, pretty basket and this vintage cross stiched tablecloth. There was also a little blue plate that adds to my recent search for blue and white dishes and I love it all!
You can see how the collage she made looks on my beadboard backsplash in the kitchen, beautiful! I added the apron and plate just so you could see them together. I have the other plate and the basket in use elsewhere already. SO pretty:>)
I wanted to show you a photo of the table cloth all opened up because I am seeing a red cross stitch monogram in the center and this made into a pillow, what do you think? It is a small table cloth but it would make a big cushy pillow and the center of the rose ring just calls out for that monogram don't you think?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Suddenly, it's summer and the days are hot, the sky is hazy blue and the trees are the color of emeralds. Where did spring go? Suddenly red, White and Blue are the colors we love to show. The Fourth of July is just around the corner with picnics and fireworks.
Time again to not only remember and honor our freedom and those who have fought ond sacraficed for it, but to celebrate it too! This country has some pretty deep problems right now, but it's still the land that I love:>) How will you celebrate the 4th?
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Our first Mosaic!
My gorgeous neices came to visit today! It is a tradition that when they come to my house we do crafts. They used to love to paint at my dining room table. Now they are teens and into other things. This is Allison, she spent the day working on some crochet trim for an apron she wants to make. These girls are talented!
Julianne, brought a project that I could help her with. For quite some time now, we have been so in love with the work of this lovely lady, that we have been dying to try it ourselves. That's right, we made our first mosaic piece! Penny, you are our inspiration:>)
Juju brought everything we needed, including this soon to be cute table that she got at Goodwill.
She also had a stack of Goodwill dishes and the proper tools. She had been reading up on how mosaics are made and knew far more than I did so I just followed her lead.
Neither of us escaped unscathed, but they are minor cuts. Really, we are fine.
And here is the after. Their dad was coming to get them and we didn't have time to buff the grout off for the final photo, but I think Juju did a beautiful job. Are we as good as Penny? No, of course not, but it was a fun project and a fun day spent with my nieces. Now what else can I mosaic next time she comes?....
Monday, June 22, 2009
Monday, Monday...
Do you ever think that you take your home for granted? I mean, we are all so busy fluffing and improving, it is almost as if we can't really see how beautiful the home we have already is. I sometimes get reminded when I have guests. You see, we have lived here so long, sometimes I only see the imperfections in my home. The table that needs paint, the fence that is a work in progress in the yard.
We recently had one of our daughters friends come over for dinner and she brought a girlfriend that we had not yet met. I was worried because the house was a mess, the yard was torn up where Earl is putting in some fence, but she walked into the house, looked around and said how pretty she thought it was. When we went outside to grill the meat and eat, she looked around and I heard her say, "Oh how beautiful!" Huh? To me it's just a yard, I see things I want to do to improve it and I have been failing to see it's beauty. Sometimes I need to step back and appreciate what I have. As it is, right now. Today is a cleaning day for me. (Does anyone elses house get trashed while you are busy relaxing on the weekend?) I plan to look around while I clean and appreciate my home just the way it is...and then tomorrow I have some things I want to spray paint. Lol, I hope you look around at the beauty you have this week too:>)
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
C'mon baby, mama needs a new camera...
Thanks so much for all the advice on cameras! I'm doing my research and stocking my etsy shop to raise money for a new one. Here is my latest creation, this bag, made from a vintage tablecloth and lined with lots of pretty fabrics and trims, it even has a perfect vintage enamel brooch. Looks cute with jeans and tee, no?
And knowing my complete addiction to vintage linens, a friend gave me some beautiful toweling yardage from her mothers estate. Enough to hoard and share with you too! I know she will understand my need for a camera.
Think of the possibilities! ring clips would make these into perfect cottage kitchen valances, or pillows, or a table runner, or, well, the list is endless. You could even make kitchen towels:>) So I am shamelessly self promoting for my camera. Lots more coming, I'm going to be a very busy girl. Stay tuned!
I appreciate all your comments and support so much! So, while I'm raising money for the camera I will also be adding a little something extra to each order from my shop! A vintage apron here, a vintage towel there, you never know what will come with your order, but I promise it will be beautiful! I've just added a couple little birds to the shop, so hop on over and have a look:>)
Monday, June 15, 2009
A little advice please?
Bad news, my camera died this weekend, may it rest in peace. It served me well for the past five years and it's one of the things I use most since starting this blog. I have my dreams of a Canon Rebel and photography classes *sigh* but for now I need something affordable. I thought I would see if you could give me any ideas. Who does more photography than bloggers for goodness sake? I know there are all kinds of great cameras out there and I would love to hear some testimonials, and maybe you would even let me know what isn't working for you!
In the meantime, I am borrowing my daughters camera for photos of my garden roses covered in dew and morning light, (will I ever get it back Mom?) Yes dear, you will get it back:>)
So can you let me know what you use and love? I'll get busy filling the shop so I can sell enough goodies to feed my camera fund and hopefully, soon, I can give Victorias camera back:>)
So can you let me know what you use and love? I'll get busy filling the shop so I can sell enough goodies to feed my camera fund and hopefully, soon, I can give Victorias camera back:>)
Friday, June 12, 2009
A Brand New Day
My first day of summer "vacation" and my first order of business. Some much needed attention to spring cleaning! It feels good to have the time but I lay awake until 2 a.m. last night making lists in my head of things I need/want to get done. Because that's just the way I roll...I'm a planner. Sometimes I wish there was an off switch, I need my sleep!
But I know I can't get down to the fun stuff (sewing and creating) until I have dealt with the "tyranny of the urgent", those things that demand our time and energy. If I don't do them they nag at me and make me restless and irritable and they stifle my imagination. So off I go, cleaning and fluffing and filling boxes for a garage sale! Too much stuff bogs me down. It's a brand new day, what are you doing with it?
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Schools Out for Summer!
Yes, it's finally here. The school cafeteria closes after today and I'm free as a bird for the next 2 1/2 months:>) I spent last night baking cupcakes with lemon buttercream frosting for a co-workers birthday, (she loves all things tropical) and a quick run to the dollar store turned up flamingo straws and little umbrellas to liven them up.
So...after today, more time for paint, fabric, estate sales and gardening:>) More time for blogging too, yay! I'll see you soon!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Mosaic Monday Farmers Market

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Morning Conversation
Me: "You have to take Vicky to work (yay she got a summer job!)about the same time you usually make me breakfast."
Earl: "Uh huh"
Me: "Maybe I could have breakfast a little early this morning"
Followed by uproarious laughter from both of us. lol. I really am terribly spoiled, and there are perks to having him home. Gee, I'm going to miss him when he finds work:>) We are doing ok. God is providing. I have faith that things will pick up. In the meantime, he makes my breakfast before work and we have morning coffee. Might as well enjoy the sunshine together:>) (Breakfast was delicious!)
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