I know I promised another hospitality post, but Mother's Day is tomorrow and I just have to write what is on my heart, namely, my girls. Forgive the old 110 photos scanned into this post. Oh how I wish I had my DSLR back then!
I often wonder what special memories they have from their childhood. We can never know how others view events that we share, we all look at things through a different lens. I can tell you this, I have nothing but good and happy memories of my children. Much as the pain of childbirth disappears when they put that precious new life in your arms, I have no memories of my children ever having done anything wrong. I remember disciplining them on occasion, and I know that Victoria will never let us forget how horribly we punished a minor infraction by removing her beloved books from her room! But truly in my eyes no two more perfect and lovely children have ever walked the face of this earth.
I remember rocking them and singing to them and the warm chubby little bundles of beauty they were.
I remember their smiles and how they make me laugh. Birthday parties and hugs and kisses and prayers at bedtime followed by endless repetitions of Charlotte's Web on tape as they went to sleep. They wore out 2 sets of cassette tapes of that story and never seemed to tire of it.
I remember when Lauren was in 3rd grade and Victoria in first, I had the flu, and a fever and after picking them up at the bus stop collapsing on the couch with chills. Lauren pulled a stool up to the stove and made dinner and Victoria sat near the sofa where I lay, stroked my forehead with little cool hands and read me Dr. Seuss, At some point I realized she was reading the whole book and I hadn't known she could read until then! They were capable children and I love that.
I remember camping trips up north at our favorite beach campground and first snowmen and dance recitals, and dress up tea parties with their friends. Homeschooling, field trips where they dressed up as pioneer girls, and watching Earl read them the entire Chronicles of Narnia when they were so little that one sat sucking her thumb and the other sat with her pacifier, still and rapt and enthralled by the stories unfolding and their father's beautiful voice.
Christmas baking and Christmas hayrides to cut the perfect tree.
I remember teen years and parties with friends and the laughter and joy. Graduation open houses full of family and friends.
And finally wedding dress shopping and weddings.

I could spend all day recounting the fun we had. Family vacations to Washington D.C. and Boston, and so many happy times. Mother's Day is for celebrating mothers, I know, but for me it is a day to celebrate the incomparable joy that these two girls have brought, and continue to bring to my life. They are married now, and I miss them every single day. We get together as often as we can and we talk and text often. But nothing compares to wrapping my arms around these dear children of mine and just holding them close for a while. One of the perks of them being married is that now I have sons! As a mother of girls, I find these men funny and sweet and sometimes incomprehensible. Boys are so different in so many ways and I sometimes catch a glimpse of what they must have been like growing up. Just plain fun. My girls chose well and my new sons fit into the family seamlessly. I love them all. On this Mother's day I feel blessed. I am blessed. So I celebrate the wonderful girls who make this day so special, Lauren and Victoria, I love you.