Saturday, May 31, 2008
8 Days
There is no photo to go with this post. That is because photos and graphics take time ....time that I don't have. In 6 days my youngest daughter graduates from high school. In 8 days we are having her open house. I have been pretty calm until now. We did this 2 years ago with Oldest daughter and looking back it seemed like a piece of cake. But right now, I'm panicked. What is it about having 150+ people over that makes you think the front door can't go another minute without paint, the gardens need work, the windows haven't been washed yet! The kitchen grout should be redone! I have 8 days to whip this house into the shape it should be in anyways. But you know how it goes, you see the little imperfections but there is no rush. It will get done, someday. Oh, and did I mention the long term forecast for her open house day predicts rain? Oh no, not just rain, thunderstorms. Hubby says, "Don't worry, when have we ever been to an open house that was on a rainy day?" I could hear Murphy (and his darn law) laughing in the background. We were going to grill out for the food. My house is 1100 sq. feet. I think I might run away from home.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Back from Sunny Florida
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Dream Kitchen
BJ at Sweet Nothings is asking for pictures of our dream kitchens. Well, of course I'll share! You are about to find out just how scattered I am when it comes to decorating. I am not one of those people who loves a narrow palette of colors and can stick to it. Oh, no, I love it all! If it is beautiful it goes in the file. So here they are, my top four kitchens (this week) that I love.
Number one would be this beautiful bright white kitchen from Traditional Home magazine. It's all about the light, and this kitchen is so full of sunlight you could get a tan. And how gorgeous is all that dark wood? The custom islands? Beams? Huge windows....I love it all. I would have to have some ivy or something growing around the window, that's just me, but oh my goodness, this kitchen is the bomb!
And look at kitchen number two. Dont you love the gothic details on the cabinets? One of my favorite shapes, the gothic arch. And more sunlight, and (gulp) stained glass! Not quite as grand as the top kitchen but I would take this in a heartbeat! Photo from Cottage living
And lest you think that white kitchens are all I dream of, get a load at this cottage beauty! The red checks! The dark wood cabinets! The rug and dishes and color, color, color! Ahhhh. Notice the big window, I do see one constant here. Light!
Number one would be this beautiful bright white kitchen from Traditional Home magazine. It's all about the light, and this kitchen is so full of sunlight you could get a tan. And how gorgeous is all that dark wood? The custom islands? Beams? Huge windows....I love it all. I would have to have some ivy or something growing around the window, that's just me, but oh my goodness, this kitchen is the bomb!

Photo from Romantic Homes
And now for something completely different! I love these colors too! My sweetie does a LOT of the cooking so I know this is too feminine for him. But I love all the details, the checkerboard floor, the reeded glass in the cabinets, the little butlers pantry between the kitchen and dining room! What's not to love? It's just plain sweet. Maybe in a little vacation cottage by a lake?

So there you have it. Hope you enjoyed my choices, I'll be checking on yours soon. But first, I have a plane to catch tomorrow morning for Florida! I'll be gone til Tuesday and then I will be making the rounds and sharing the fun. I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial day weekend. I will be taking a moment to remember all the brave men and women who make this freedom we enjoy possible. See you all next week!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Weekend getaway
My darling husband surprised me with a day away this weekend. Kind of a birthday get-away for us. The girls were in various parts of the country with friends so we took off and did some sight seeing and shopping in a nearby town. Our first stop was the farmers market where I found a gorgeous, huge, fuschia for the front porch. I love having them there and the hummingbirds always come for a drink. Then we checked into a sweet little B&B called the "Cozy Koi".
It was named for the lovely Koi pond in the backyard, filled with the prettiest fish. Some of them were 2 feet long! Very tame, they came to nibble on Earl's fingers. The Koi pond was next to a trickling waterfall that was beautifully planted with flowers and ferns.

It was a peaceful place to sit with a cup of coffee in the morning and listen to the sound of the water and watch the fish. So relaxing! I forgot to take a picture of our room until it was kind of messed up from us sleeping and being in it, but I got a pic of this cute room in the next house. The owner of the B&B owns both houses and gave us a tour of them. Isn't this yellow room adorable!? It is actually a little efficiency apt. and has a sitting area and a tiny vintage kitchen that was so cute. Of course I forget to get a picture of that!
This was the dining room where we had our breakfast. Diane, the owner, was so friendly and nice. She made us fresh fruit cups, tropical fruit muffins, and apricot and cream cheese stuffed french toast topped with apricot sauce. Hot coffee and blueberry-pomegranate juice. Oh, it was all so good!
The rest of the weekend was spent at an art and craft festival, we had dinner and saw Prince Caspian at the cinema. I loved those books, and although this one wasn't done as faithfully accurate as the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, it was still a really good movie. The next morning we found a local flea market and picked up some fun deals, and then spent some time in a "mega mall" of antique booths, with a little bit of junk, garage sale stuff and retail mixed in. Because it wasnt a real "chi chi" antiques mall there were some good deals to be had. I got some great items to incorporate into projects for my etsy shop. Then we headed home to relax. It was a nice surprise and so good to get away with my sweetheart. We find that we need a little time away like that every once in a while to just concentrate on each other and it really is wonderful to be able to focus on each other and not the broken dishwasher, laundry and lawn!
Tomorrow is my 50th birthday and will be spent with my family. This weekend, I will be joining my best friend in Florida for a little "girls vacation". It is going to be a really great week! I am fighting an upper respiratory thing, sore throat, coughing, I can't really tell if it's allergies, a cold or something worse. I went to the Dr. and got some antibiotics just in case. Keep me in your prayers that I'll get over this! Nothing is keeping me from this trip! I hope you all have a great week too:>)
Tomorrow is my 50th birthday and will be spent with my family. This weekend, I will be joining my best friend in Florida for a little "girls vacation". It is going to be a really great week! I am fighting an upper respiratory thing, sore throat, coughing, I can't really tell if it's allergies, a cold or something worse. I went to the Dr. and got some antibiotics just in case. Keep me in your prayers that I'll get over this! Nothing is keeping me from this trip! I hope you all have a great week too:>)
Thursday, May 15, 2008
A walk in the woods
This afternoon was so beautiful out, I decided to take a little walk. I haven't been back in the woods yet this spring. Silly me. Now is really the only time to go. Before the mosquitoes make their appearance. On the way back, I wanted to stop and show you a violet that dear husband bought me a few years ago. He knows I love violets and bought me these. They are called "Freckles". If you want a really good look, click on the picture. They are my absolute favorites!
There is a little bit of a path cleared, we (meaning sweet husband) clear a little bit more each year but still haven't gotten very far. The mosquito thing and all...
I found some wild honeysuckle getting ready to bloom....
And a wild apple tree in bloom! I had no idea this was here. It has all grown so dense in the last few years. I am going to admit I don't come back here much. Besides the mosquitoes, I have a terrible allergy to poison ivy. I mean terrible. I buried a pet parakeet in the woods at home when I was 15 and apparently wasn't too savvy about where I planted the little guy. I got poison ivy from head to toe. In my throat and nasal passages. Lets just say it was ugly. Real ugly. My parents weren't big on doctors and I suffered on the couch most of the summer unable to eat much or drink more than a little ginger ale. I lost a fair amount of weight, but I don't recommend the method. Anyway, I am a little leary of the woods ever since. But I'm braving them. For you.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
And now, for something completely different....
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Happy Mothers Day Mom!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
And speaking of birthdays....
Karla says I should make this my month and celebrate the whole time. (Happy Birthday to Karla too, she just turned 50 this week!)I'm pulling myself up by my granny bootstraps and celebrating! But I'm not going to the Keenagers luncheon.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Happy 20th Birthday Lauren!
My baby is 20 today. We share a birth month and so many other things. She is like me, and not like me. People always say "Oh, you must be Lauren's mom!" I guess we kind of look alike too. But she is her own girl, no doubt about that!
Her sister made this gorgeous cake for her today while I was at work. it is small because we had our big family party last night with all the aunts, uncles, cousins and grandma. We don't need two big cakes, but it just seemed wrong to not have one on her actual birthday.
Lauren shares a birthday with her Uncle! So here they are blowing out as many candles as we could get on one cake without burning down the house. Some for her and some for him. He is back in the shadows a bit so he's hard to see, but he is there:>)
Lauren has been a ray of sunshine and love ever since she was born. I don't have any baby pictures on this post because her father packed them away somewhere so he could build my bookshelf and he is at work right now, so I will just show a few pictures of her as a little girl. My little dancer.

Sunday, May 4, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
It's a rainy lazy Saturday. I've done some garage saleing, some much needed cleaning and I may actually take a little nap. I just popped a few more hearts into etsy, and will probably work on a few more things tonight, we'll see.
I didn't have much luck with the garage sales, today all I could think about as I looked at the stuff was, " I really dont have a place to put that!" I guess it's time to do some shopping in my own home and basement and see what I can come up with to freshen things up, or else get rid of some stuff before I buy more! My one purchase was a little wicker settee for the back porch for $8! (Ok, so maybe I had a little luck!) I told my husband that if it only lasted this summer I would have gotten my moneys worth. I can see myself sitting among the flowers on it sipping coffee in the mornings:>) Ahhh, can't wait.
I am contemplating some job changes. I will be putting in for a full time job at the school. I was so looking forward to summer off but it would be a good opportunity and with 2 kids in school and the uncertainty of Earl's job, well, I feel like I need to give it a try. Of course, someone with more seniority could get it, so I may not have to worry about it. I guess I'll pray about it and leave it in God's hands. That has worked for me before. I trust that what is best for us will come to be. I'll keep you posted. I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend (is there any other kind?)
Friday, May 2, 2008
Flea Market Friday
Well, here it is, my first, and possibly only flea market Friday. I haven't decided how often I want to do this yet. Most certainly not every week. But in the course of my bargain hunting I occasionally pick up something that I think is cool only to realize later that, it may be cool but I don't really have a use for it. I know someone is bound to want these though so here goes..
Stork bingo, copyright 1957, the box and everything in it is in great shape. I got these last week and didn't even realize there were two of them tied together. I am super observant, not. I am throwing a baby shower this summer and thought that even if we don't play this great game it would look so cute as a table decoration.
The bingo cards have neat-o words like, pablum, and rubber pants, and toidy chair (really) and nipples. They might even be useful for altered art projects. 18 cards, a call card, and all the little bingo markers are included. $10 postage included. SOLD
I thought these tea towels were the bees knees. I still do, so if nobody buys them it wont break my heart, but I have a drawer overflowing with towels, so for $7 postage included, they can be yours. There are three matching towels, these pictures aren't great but the towels are in excellent condition, a little yellowed from sitting in a drawer for what must have been years, but only the glasses towel has a couple teeny spots that would probably come out.
These really old hand crochet potholders can be yours for $6 postage included.
And last but not least, this beautiful vase. if you cant click on this picture you can click on yesterdays post to get a close up. I think it may have had a handle at one time but the holes make a pretty place to tie a ribbon like I did. The bottom says, Copr. Marietta Pottery Co. Marietta, Ohio.
There is a teeny chip on the inside front lip. I don't know why I took a close up because it makes it look huge but it is really only about 1" across at the widest point. It doesn't show at all with some pretty flowers and it doesn't show much without them. There is another really teeny chip on the bottom. I mean minuscule.You can actually see it if you click on the picture and make it bigger. It is on the front left hand side of the vase. See that teeny little chip? No? Yes? Clearly this isn't perfect but I think it is gorgeous. $18.00 anybody? That includes shipping.
First comment to tell me they want something gets it. Have a great weekend, I'll be posting more hearts tomorrow:>)
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Happy May Day!
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