Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Just checking in
Friday, August 24, 2007
As if that wasnt enough, when I got home this was in the mail for me! This is from Julie of Equus Villa, who is passing along this book and the recipe and main ingredient for swedish pea soup as well as this beautiful tray and the serving spoons. Thank you Julie! What a great day! Ok, NOW I am taking a break... no really........
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
100 :>)
Monday, August 20, 2007
What a big cheater I am. Here I have already teased everyone with my project and I have this one silly post to go before my 100th and I can't think of anything exciting to do with it! I am so fixated on my 100th post! I will say thank you to all the lovely ladies who have joined me on this adventure and left encouraging messages, inspired me, tutored me and helped me in so many ways to develop a blog that allows me to stretch myself and, in itself, prods me to grow and experiment and reach out. Thank you! This is a fantastic experience and I would recommend it to anyone:>) It is a grey rainy day here in Michigan. About 65 degrees. We need the rain and the coolness is nice, but it does tend to make me want to sit down with a good book or a movie and vegetate. Can't do it. I have trim to paint in the living room and this morning I am taking Victoria in for her school registration. I have a few little errands to run so I can unveil my 100th post too, so no books today! Now that I only have 2 weeks before I go back to work I feel like I have just now started to get things done. I have about 6 different projects in varying stages in the basement and my dining room table is still covered in all the things you see in my last post! I guess I better get off the computer and get busy. Since I hate to do a post without a picture, I will leave you with the board by the computer. My inspiration board you might call it. Filled with cards the girls have made for me, photos of my family and other bits and pieces of messages from loved ones. It makes me smile:>) See you soon!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Just a tease:>)
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
This 'n That
By the way, I already have my subscription in for the new Victoria magazine, I sure hope they can live up to the old one!
I also got a little something in the mail yesterday from Phyllis at Shabby In the City. I won her give-away and got some gorgeous lace!
Thank you Phyllis! I know just what I am going to do with it! I have been wanting some great lace for a project I have in mind, can't wait to get it done now and show you! By the way, Phyllis has opened a new online shop with some beautiful items. You can check them out here.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
I'm Back!
The Folk festival was only so-so. Music was good but it was very hot out and the "craft show" part of it was minimal. The one thing that I found really interesting was an area in the Folk Craft demonstration tent that showed tatting. There were some lovely ladies there doing demonstrations and even sitting down with some of the children and showing them lace-making and tatting and letting them try it themselves. I had always wondered how it was done and now I have seen it. I gives you a real appreciation for the effort and hours spent decorating the vintage hankies and pillowcases that still decorate our homes!
Earl and I spent a lot of our time checking out antique malls. 
Friday, August 10, 2007
Garage Sale Goodies, and Ramblings
I want to thank everyone for the support and comments that I got with my "Rant" post. It was so good to hear from so many of you and the affirmation and kindness never cease to amaze me. Thank you! I stopped at just one garage sale yesterday and got all this great stuff , and more! Dont you just love when you hit the Motherlode!? By the way, I am coming up on my 100th post and I am planning a give-away to celebrate. It will be a chance for all you lurkers out there to step out and introduce yourself. I know you are out there, I was a lurker once too! So keep your eyes open in the next week andsee what I come up with:>) Hope everyone has a great weekend. Earl & I are off to visit a a local Folk festival with music and art, and then hit some antique stores!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
27 Glorious Years!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
I feel a rant coming on....
Yesterday, Kim at Daisy Cottage posted that she is the family photographer but hates having her picture taken and felt very uncomfortable putting a photo of herself up on her blog. Now Kim's blog is one of the first blogs that I discovered and it was one of the first to make my jaw drop with delight. She is creative, thrifty and comes across as one of the nicest people you would ever want to meet. When you see the pic you also notice she is beautiful too. I can relate to Kims discomfort with putting her picture up. I have come to realize that I am one of those people who always looks at myself with a critical eye. I avoid having my picture taken thinking that someday I will "lose the weight." I don't see any of my good points I only see my flaws and consequently, I am in very few family photos of my children's formative years. Yes, my children almost appear to have grown up motherless! Why are we so hard on ourselves in this one area? I notice a lot of bloggers whose pictures end just below the chin or don't appear at all. How many of us use something other than our own photo in our profile? We value kindness, intelligence, thriftiness, and creativity, but really, do we put vanity and beauty at the head of all those things? It is easy to hide online. We don't have to show the dirty corners of our homes or the faults we are trying to conquer. Are we afraid people wont like us if they knew what we look like? I have heard it said that life begins at 50. I am 49 but I think I know what that means. I struggle with the aging process but I am beginning to be able to accept myself as I am. Extra chins, middle age paunch, boobs that are going south for the winter and all. Why? Because I realize that when my family looks at me they don't see those things. They see a mom/wife who loves them and who they love back. I realize that when I look at others I don't see the flaws as much as I see the kindness, the creativity, the beauty that God made in us all. We are all so much harder on ourselves than anyone else is. Of course there will continue to be pictures of myself that make me cringe. I will still struggle with my weight and appearance. I want to look my best. I refuse to hide anymore though. If I take a bad picture, so be it. Maybe it will be a catalyst for change, maybe it will be what I need to help me stick to my diet. Probably not though! LOL. Maybe I will just be more accepting of myself and learn to look at what makes me unique and beautiful as a person instead of what I don't like. I hope I haven't bored you all with my rant. Some of you probably love the way you look, or don't have this hang up at all. What a blessing that would be! As for me, I am off to have my picture taken for my profile. I'll add it to this posting later today, you see, I don't have any pictures of myself on the computer right now...
P.S. I cheated and wore my "cute" glasses.:>)
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
I've Been Nominated!

Adrienne, Deb, Lallee, Lori, Heather, Jen, and Penny. They are all sweethearts with beautiful blogs that I really enjoy. Thank you Dolly and Amy! You make my day every time you stop by. :>)
Monday, August 6, 2007
Have you ever seen a hummingbird moth?
Have any of you seen these?
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Sunday Morning
Blueberry (or blackberry, or what about raspberry!) Cheese rolls
1 pkg. (8 oz.) refrig. crescent rolls
4 oz. Neufchatel cheese
2 Tbsp. Sugar
1/2 cup blueberries (or blackberries, or......)
Preheat oven to 375. Unroll dough into 4 rectangles; firmly press perforations together to seal. Combine cream cheese and sugar: (I added a small egg to make it more like cheesecake consistency) spread onto dough rectangles to within 1/2 inch of the edges. Top evenly with berries. Bring opposite corners together to seal. Place on an ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake 11-13 minutes or until golden brown. Sprinkle with a little powdered sugar. Makes 4 servings. These are super easy to make and really delicious. I would add more fruit next time too. Have a peaceful and fun Sunday!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Meet another daughter!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
I would like to thank everyone for the kind and thoughtful comments on VIctorias birthday. What a great group of people you meet when blogging! Sorry I havent had time to post this week til now. VBS has taken all my time. It is one of those weeks that just fill every moment with one more little thing to do until you fall into bed at 11:30...and then can't get to sleep because you are running through the list in your head to see if there is something you forgot. I don't know if your brain works that way but I just can't seem to shut mine off sometimes. Anyways, The house is kind of a mess, I have about 40 little muslin bags to finish up tonight for tomorrows craft (bath salts in a little muslin bag) and my girls are throwing a going away party for one of their friends tonight complete with a cookout and hopefully a campfire later in the night. I should probably mention it is supposed to hit a lovely humid 96 or so today and possible thunderstorms tonight. Remember when I said our house is only about 1100 square feet?...... campfire? rain? Yeah. It's another busy day. On the other hand, my morning glories are spectacular this morning! See the tuteur in front of them? I got it painted but didnt get it set out in time for them to climb up. Oh well, they are managing without it :>) Next year...
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